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 Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island

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bandit de grand chemin

Nombre de messages : 72
Age : 48
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2007

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pseudo: Shawnee
race: Elf
age: 48

Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Empty
MessageSujet: Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island   Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Icon_minitimeLun 29 Oct - 17:02

Marie-Galante is located about 43 kilometers from Pointe-à-Pitre, egal distance of Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre. just like Grande-Terre, it's chalky.
It's surface is about 157.5 km2, so it's the 3rd french island after Guadeloupe and Martinique. Three council that you must visit: Grand-Bourg in south-west, it's the county town, Capesterre in south-east, Saint-Louis in north-west part.

All people there are soak with rural tradition. Running accross roads are wonderfull, littered with windmill, and an always changing and harmonious landscape; the sea, still wild is a wonder.

Here are some pics:
Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island

Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island

Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island
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Let's travel in Caribbeans: Marie-Galante island
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